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Stun Guns for Self-Defense

There are many options for a weapon for self-defense. Some people choose to carry deadly weapons. Keep in mind that a deadly weapon carried by you can also become a deadly weapon to be used on you by your attacker if it happens to be taken away from you.

Stun guns are becoming a very popular weapon for personal defense. They are compact and simple to use. They cause no permanent damage to the user or the attacker and can help you get away from a dangerous situation.

Stun guns use low amperage and high voltage to disable an attacker for several minutes. This effect is a temporary diversion and allows you to make your escape from danger. The use of a stun device does not rely on pain to disable the attacker. Instead, it causes the attacker’s own body to work against them.

The voltage stored in the gun is transferred into the attacker’s muscles. This causes the muscles to respond very fast. This response causes an instant depletion of the attacker’s blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid. The attacker is no longer able to produce energy for his muscles; therefore his body is not able to function properly.

The use of a stun gun also interrupts the attacker’s neurological impulses. These impulses control voluntary muscle movement so he no longer is able to move. When the attacker’s neuromuscular system is interrupted, he loses his balance and falls to the ground.

You may be asking yourself, “What if he has a grip on me?” Even if the attacker has a grip on you or is touching you, the voltage will not be passed to you. The use of a stun gun to defend yourself causes no permanent damage to the target. It simply disables the attacker long enough for you to get away and call for help.

Awareness Is the Key to Self-Defense

The best way to defend yourself is to avoid putting yourself in a dangerous situation to begin with. When out about town or even in their own home, a person needs to be aware of what is going on around them and who is around them. Keep your eyes open, and look ahead of you and behind you. Recognize a possible threat before it is close enough to you to bring you harm.

Start defending yourself when you arrive at a shopping mall, before you ever exit your vehicle. You should park in a well-lighted area. Always park as close to the front of the building as possible. Look around before you unlock and get out of your vehicle; determine the safest route to the building.

Be certain to have all of your belongings gathered together and be ready to exit the vehicle as soon as you unlock the door. Keep your keys in your hand, space the keys between your fingers so that if attacked, you can use this as a defense weapon. Identify possible threats to you as you walk and avoid walking near them.

When you leave a shopping mall, the same rules apply. You must be aware of those standing around outside, and notice if someone is watching you or near your car. If you feel there is a possible threat, do not second-guess your instinct. Go back inside and ask a security guard to escort you to your car. Have your keys ready to open your vehicle and enter it, locking the doors immediately once you are in it.

If you have an electronic key on your keyring, use that only when you are standing next to the door. If it unlocks more than the driver door, do not use it at all. Keep your car doors locked while driving and your windows up, be aware of people around you when you are stopped at traffic lights or intersections.

You must be aware of all of your surrounding all of the time. Being aware of possible threats can help you avoid them and keep you and your loved ones safe.

Pepper Spray and Mace for Self-Defense

The use of pepper spray, or mace as it is commonly known, for protection can be an effective solution for escape from an attack. If you choose pepper spray for self-defense, you must be ready to use it. You will need to have the canister in your hand and have your finger on the trigger. There will be no time to dig it out of your purse.

Pepper spray is made to be sprayed in the face of an assailant. It causes extreme discomfort, headache, and dizziness as it affects the central nervous system. There is a tight feeling in the upper respiratory system, which leads to coughing. The target’s eyes begin tearing and burning, and there is an overproduction of saliva. The nose burns and the mucosa become extremely irritated. The nerve endings on the face are irritated and cause a stinging, burning sensation. Pepper spray does not cause immobilization, and none of these effects are permanent.

Do a little research to determine the right pepper spray for you; all brands are not alike. You need to read the ingredients before you purchase. You might also need to check with law enforcement to be sure that the one you choose is not illegal for use. Some contain tear gas; the use of tear gas can be a felony in some states, except when used for self defense.

There are different brands and types of mace available. Some contain pepper spray, tear gas, and ultraviolet dye. This type gives you a full onslaught defense for any potential assailant. The pepper spray is made from hot cayenne peppers; this contains the active ingredient oleoresin capsicum. The effect of pepper spray can last up to 90 minutes.

Pepper spray is an inflammatory agent and causes temporary blindness and difficulty breathing. The tear gas is an irritant and causes coughing and stinging. The added advantage of the ultraviolet dye stains the attacker and allows for easy identification of the assailant.

Remember that the use of mace does not totally disable your assailant. He might still be able to run or grab you. After you have sprayed your assailant, run away to a safe area and call law enforcement immediately.

Basic Self-Defense

The best way to defend yourself is to not have to defend yourself at all. Be aware of the environment and any potential threats. Even if you are with another person or a group of people, stay aware. Be prepared and able to defend yourself in the event of an attack.

Do not make yourself an easy target. Carry yourself with confidence; keep your head up and your shoulders straight. A person who appears confident and able to defend themselves is less likely to be attacked than one who is not paying attention or looking down and appears nervous or weak. Most self-defense classes will teach you that if you look or act like a victim, you will probably become a victim.

Do not allow yourself to be distracted with cell phones or searching for items on your person. When an aggressor sees that you are busy talking on a cell phone or not paying attention to them or your surroundings, it enables them to surprise you with an attack.

Use common sense to avoid dark areas in parking lots or empty stairwells. Do not put yourself in a secluded area that can invite an attack. You are less likely to be grabbed or attacked in a well-populated, well-lit area.

When at home, you are also vulnerable to attacks. People tend to feel totally safe at home and let their safeguards down. Keep your doors and windows locked at all times. Do not answer the door until you know who is on the other side of that locked door. Install a peephole so that you can identify the person on the other side. If you sense danger, do not answer the door. Teach your children to never open the door to anyone, even if they think they know them.

Children are not born knowing how to defend themselves from the potential dangers of the world. They are trusting and innocent. They must be taught to never talk to strangers or open doors. Teach them to run and scream if someone tries to approach them and to always come to you and have you answer the doors. Most of all, always keep them within sight of you and pay close attention to the people around them. These simple things can save your child’s life.

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